Anti-age facial treatment with NANO cellular mask!
-Reduces and prevents wrincles, soft and flowless skin.

“Anti-age nano cellulose plant-based mask penetrates skin oxidation. It is moisturizing and supports skin elasticity as well as collagen production. Perfect for those who work a lot with computers exposed to external environmental stress, air pollution, even for those who travel a lot, especially for those who have dry skin, eczema and psoriasis. “
- The treatment begins with organic rasul cleansing, deep cleansing peeling, facial massage with custom-made organic skin care products, anti-age nano cellulose plant-based face mask of 20 minutes, ending with lavender hydrolate and rejuvenating facial oily serum.
- Info on Nanocellulosa Face Mask!
- Biodea nano cellulose face mask is a new generation of materials based on ultra-fast cellulose fiber, untreated by hemicellulose or lignin. It is produced using biotechnology method, with patented technology.
- Bowil Biotech is the world’s first biocellulose in accordance with GMP standard.
- The company’s manufacturer of this mask has a unique sterile Biocellulose Face mask.
- Biocellulose consists of fiber with a diameter below 100 nanometers, which is less than human skin pores and allows the active substances to penetrate deeper into the skin.
- The 3D structure of Biocellulose is a network of interconnected cellulose nano fibers, which gives the material high elasticity, softness and mechanical stamina.
- The dense fiber network retains water molecules, just like the epidermis, it`s role in protecting the skin or a wound from damage, contamination and microorganisms from the external environment.
-It is an innovative mask on the market-
Price: 795kr. (60 minutes)
-Organic facial treatment with lavendel peeling-
This treatment is good for you who have dry & oily skin, acne and rosacea!
We start with a simple skin analys (by filling up a form with your first visit) we analys better which essential oils and plant based organic products we are going to blend that suits your skin needs.
The treatment begins with facial steam bath with Lavender essence oil, which helps the Body and Mind relax.
- Cleansing the lips and eyes.
- Dekoletage cleansing up to the neck and then the face surface and we use rasul clay cleansing from Marocco with the essence oil that fit your skin type.
- We use lavendel herb peeling to get rid of the dead skin cells.
- Dekoletage massage and neck-massage, shoulders, arms and facialmassage, to help the skin reduce the toxins and body tensions.
- We even apply energy pressure on dekolletage, neck, and face to improve blood circulations and reduce tense muscles.
- Lymphatic massage (reduce toxins that cause chronic sickness and tiredness)
- We apply the green clay mask from Marocco to get rid of the black heads and deep cleanse the skin.
- We apply the green lavendel facial water to help the skin balance the ph-value, so that the skin can easily recieve the skin nutrient that we apply during the session.
- We apply the facial serum to give the skin nourishment and better desire after treatment.
Ayurvedic treatment -with warm Argan oil.

-This treatment has a lot of focus on the back and it´s good for those who have stiff neck & back pain, inflammation on the shoulders, even for those who are exposed of stress.
(Not recommended for those who are sensitive to aroma oils)
- Treatment begins with herb peeling on the back to get rid of dead skin cells on the skin surface to help body and skin a better oxygenation.
- We will apply the warm argan oil to make the skin leaner and to get better nourishment with our organic plantbased massage oil.
- The treatment continues with the application of green clay mask with chamomile herbs & lavender essential oil at the back to improve the skin’s PH value.
- Application of Himalayan Pink Salt is good for the gastrointestinal tract, as well as preventing cardiovascular disease, acne, allergy, asthma, bronchitis and rheumatism and more.
- Treatment ends with classical massage on the back, arms elbows and hands, and facial massage, energy pressure improves blood circulation, lymphatic system to help the body drain toxins, even support the body’s ability to balance and harmony.
- The massage oils used during treatment are adapted to each individual skin types and clients state of health.

For you who suffered from inviromental stress, inner stress, back pain, shoulders and neck?
-Aroma stress treatment might help you!
The treatment begins with facial steam bath with Lavendel essence oil, which helps the Body and Mind relax.
Rain drops massage on the back (Soft and gentle massage with eucalyptus essential oil)
Energy pressure (Improve blood circulations and help tense muscles to relax)
Massage for the neck and shoulders (reduce body tension and mental stress)
Lymphatic massage (reduce toxins that cause chronic sickness and tiredness)
Facial massage (To improve skin Health and gain flawless skin naturally, since our face are most expose to the sun and inviromental stress.)

Enjoy the massage that goes into the deep of your muscles that will soften your muscular structure. Perfect for those who suffer from stiff neck, back pain or carry shoulder pain for a long time. Massage oils are handmade without petrochemical additive, we use essential oil to suit your needs.
- We start treatment with a herbal peeling on the back to get rid of dead skin cells and increase the skin’s oxygenation.
- Helps the skin to get rid of dead skin cells, which contributes to increased skin absorption.
- Energy pressure to improve body circulation and to gain a good health
- In conclusion, you will enjoy a lymphatic massage to help to body reduce the toxins and relax from inviromental stress.
Cranio Sacral Treatment

Craniosacral Therapy was created by osteopathy Dr. W G Sutherland (1873-1954). His discovery was that the force of life is expressed as wave movements in all living tissues. Our brain and spinal cord flow into cerebrospinal fluid, from the skull/head, to the sacrum/crossbone, which is a closed fluid
system. Here you can easily follow these movements that also exist throughout our body. Illness exists when obstacles occur in the free flow, eg. In stress, disease and trauma, which gives an influence both physically and emotionally.
During the treatment, the therapist works with his hands and with very gentle and soft pressure on the body, assists the client’s entire system to self-correcting and healing. The treatment can be done with Biomechanical Craniosacral Therapy or Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, which is a more
developed form of treatment that opens up for deeper and more comprehensive healing processes.Man is capable of constant self-healing. Our vitality and original health are always available. Throughout life through!
What can be treated?
You can treat / alleviate many of the problems that may arise in body and psyche. Some common examples are: headache, shoulder, neck, back and hip problems, joint pain, whiplash injury, stress, anxiety, headache, migraine, chronic Pain and fibromyalgia, diffuse pain, burnout, tickling problems,
tinitus, ADHD, ADHD, autism, dyslexia and relief of MS symptoms. Pregnancy disorders such as nausea and joint pain. Concentration difficulties, fatigue symptoms, tinnitus, stomach upsets, numbness, sleep disturbances and stress-related problems. The client is always dressed during the
treatment. Craniosacral Therapy can be used as prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
For more information about KranioSakral Osteopathy,
Go to
Price: 780 kr per treatment (60 minutes)
Face and body waxning treatment.

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